Catie Zeichman Catie Zeichman

One Room Challenge: Week 6 - Lighting

It’s week 6 of the One Room Challenge and I’m focusing on lighting. I truly believe one of the most overlooked and under valued aspect of interior decorating is lighting. It’s easy to buy a small, cheap lamp from Target and call it a day, but choosing light fixtures that “have an opinion” will give you a much higher end look… and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Here’s how I DIY’d a $5 thrifted lamp using baking soda and paint.

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Catie Zeichman Catie Zeichman

Faux Aged Pottery Lamp DIY

I duped a Pottery Barn lamp by mixing paint and baking soda in order to create the look of pottery to transform a $5 lamp from the thrift store.

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DIY Home Decor Catie Zeichman DIY Home Decor Catie Zeichman

DIY Watercolor Family Portrait

Do you want to create custom artwork for your home without the years it takes to learn to paint? How does $20 and an hour of your time sound? I created the portrait below with zero watercolor experience and no paint brushes necessary - just an iPad, Procreate, and Waterlogue.

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