5 of the Best Plants for Beginners

I’ve killed my fair share of plants before becoming a self proclaimed “plant mom”. If you’re the type of person who thinks they have a “black thumb”, I’d be willing to bet you’ve probably shot yourself in the foot by starting out with a tough plant. Some plants are drama queens - they need a lot of sun, but NOT TOO MUCH, and also water, but NOT TOO MUCH WATER, etc. You get the point. Starting with a hardier plant can help you develop your inner “green thumb” by allowing you to experiment without completely pissing off your plant in the process.

Here are my recommendations for 5 plants you can’t kill (unless you really, really really try!):

  1. ZZ Plant


The ZZ Plant is virtually indestructible. It can survive with almost no sunlight and you can forget to water it for a LONG time before it starts to die. They’ve also got beautiful green leaves and frequently shoot out new growth.

2. Philodendron

If I had to pick a favorite plant, it would be the philodendron. You’ve definitely seen them - they’re those beautiful trailing beauties always tucked into bookcases, cascading down open shelving, and hanging from macrame plant holders. There are a TON of varieties, my all time favorite being the Silver Satin Pothos (the name is misleading, as it’s classified as a philodendron, not a pothos). The Heartleaf Philodendron and Brazilian Philodendron are also beautiful options to add greenery to any home.

The best part about the Philodendron for any plant beginner is the fact that they literally tell you when they need water. Their leaves will curl when they’re dry, and on top of that, they’re super forgiving in the event that you neglect them a bit.

3. Pothos


Another trailing plant that is very patient with first timers. Pothos can tolerate very low light conditions (although they trail way faster under bright indirect light), and can be grown in soil or just water (!!!).

4. Snake Plant

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Snake Plants, often referred to as ‘mother in law’s tongue’ are some of the hardiest indoor plants you can find. They require little sunlight and always look fresh (almost fake). They require very infrequent watering. In fact, they are sensitive to overwatering as they can develop root rot, so if you forget to water your plants often, this is the plant for you. They’re also great air purifiers!

5. Chinese Evergreen


The Chinese Evergreen has my heart for its silvery variegated leaves and its tolerance for low light. I’ve had one in my bedroom for over a year (Joe closes the blinds every chance he gets, so this room doesn’t get a ton of natural light) and it’s been very happy.

There you have it! Five great options for first time plant owners - I’d call them “training wheel plants”, because they’ll help turn any black thumb into a green one. If you feel like your room is missing something, I would bet money it’s a plant in the corner so try one of these and tell me know it goes.


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